Rail logistics

Over the last few years Viglienzone has integrated its maritime and port services with rail logistics services both on a national and European level.
Thanks to our relations with the most important European rail networks, with the main agri-food storage areas and with Northern intermodal centers, we can offer to our clients:
- Rail freights integrated with the port stage both in export and in import
- Organization and planning of transportation
- Connected services of transport, storage (in/out) and further assistance for the redelivery to the market of the feed and milling industries.
- On-line tracking of shipments with real-time information
- GMP+ certifications for rail transport
- Weight and quality control of the goods
Our established cooperation with the main rail logistics operators allows us to connect the main Italian ports (among which Venice, Ravenna, Genoa, Savona, Trieste) with the most important agri-food consumption centers of Northern Italy.
On an international level, we are particularly active on traffic flows from East to West thanks to our branch Viglienzone Hungaria Kft, and we take care of the supply networks of important Italian industrial sites, by connecting them to most of Eastern and Western European regions (notably France, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Czech Republic and Austria).
In the steel sector we can offer rail freights integrated with the port stage both in export (up to fob stowed) and in import (from vessel hold to destination), providing all the necessary operative (quality/quantity controls) and customs assistance.
As international rail logistics operator, Viglienzone is GMP+FSA certified in order to guarantee the respect of qualitative standards in the services provided.
To satisfy the multiple requests of railway logistics and to provide an even more reliable service tailored to the needs of our established customers, Viglienzone Group has recently acquired the ownership of new high-capacity railway wagons of the latest generation for the transport of cereals. The wagons were acquired through a satellite company of the group called VRAIL www.vrail.it, owner of the same.
This long-term investment is a strong signal to renew and consolidate the presence of Viglienzone group in the field of railway logistics.
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